2010-2011. Joint Exhibit. Water, Rivers and Peoples. Mexico and Spain.
The Foundation for the New Culture of Water has organized a sizeable photo exhibit named Water, Rivers and Peoples that, according to its website, “offers a human profile of the conflicts and struggles for water. Through the photographs and testimonies, the people affected cease to be a statistic and directly communicate their anguish, reasons and hopes.”
MiMundo.org contributes to the human rights, violence and water section with images from the Chixoy Dam case involving the massacres of Maya Achi communities in Rabinal, Guatemala.
2010-11 Exhibits in Mexico and Spain:
Parque de Chapultepec. México D.F., México.
April 13 to June 5, 2010.
Museo Marítimo. Barcelona, Spain.
May 4 to 30, 2010.
Palau de Congresos. Tarragona, Spain.
June 16 to July 17, 2010.
Universidad de Veracruz, México.
July 23 to October 20, 2010.
Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain.
September 30 to November 30, 2010.
Guadalajara, México.
December 14, 2010, to January 16, 2011.
Zapopan, Jalisco, México.
January 20 to February 20, 2011.
Plaza del Triunfo, Sevilla, Spain.
March 17 to April 15, 2011.