2008-10. Exhibit. Sponsored by Oxfam. Metal Mining in Central America: Pain and Resistance. Americas Social Forum, Guatemala.

Guatemala City, Guatemala.
October 7th to 12th, 2008.

Oxfam America sponsored a 12-image permanent exhibit of MiMundo.org’s work during the third Americas Social Forum held in the University of San Carlos, Guatemala, in October 2008. All 12 images measured 2 meters wide and were hung in strategic outdoor places throughout the campus. All images were taken from the photo booklet titled Metal Mining in Central America: Pain and Resistance, also funded and published by Oxfam America.



For more information about the photo booklet published by Oxfam America with MiMundo.org’s images, please view the photo essay:
Metal Mining in Central America: Pain and Resistance

To view more images from the exhibit, please view the photo essay:
Americas Social Forum: MiMundo.org Photo Exhibit